More than 1,200 sexual assault survivors helped since 2023.
More than 1,200 sexual assault survivors helped since 2023.

Dr. William Thompson: How Patients Can Seek Justice and Healing

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Video Transcript

In this video, we’re discussing the serious allegations against Dr. William Thompson, a Newport Beach infectious disease specialist known for his work with the LGBTQ+ community.

Dr. Thompson faces accusations of sexually assaulting at least nine male patients. He was arrested in September 2023 and currently faces criminal charges related to deceptive sexual penetration under the guise of prostate exams. Many patients do not recognize doctor sexual abuse in the moment for a variety of reasons including the inherent trust of medical professionals and not knowing if an exam should be painful. His examinations were described as “overly aggressive” and allegations also state that he would become aroused after performing prostate exams. If you were a patient of Dr. Thompson, you should contact uas as soon as possible so we can help you label what happened and explore your rights and options.

As of recording this video, 73 male patients have united to file a lawsuit against Dr. Thompson and his former employers, including Hoag Hospital. These patients hope to seek justice and accountability for the harm that happened to them.

If you or someone you know was a patient of Dr. Thompson and were affected by Dr. Thompson’s actions, it’s important to know that you have rights and options – including filing a civil lawsuit to seek monetary compensation for the harm that happened to you.

If you reach out to us, we can help you understand them and connect you with an experienced doctor sexual abuse attorney who can file a lawsuit and represent you should you pursue a civil lawsuit against Dr. Thompson and his employers.
Every law firm we work with offers free consultations and takes these kinds of cases on contingency, meaning there are no upfront costs to pursuing a claim.

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Kathryn Kosmides

Survivor Advocate of Helping Survivors