More than 1,200 sexual assault survivors helped since 2023.
More than 1,200 sexual assault survivors helped since 2023.

What is Indecent Exposure?

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Video Transcript

Addressing a serious and growing public concern, indecent exposure. Indecent exposure, also known as voyeurism, involves deliberately exposing one’s genitals in public generally for sexual gratification of the perpetrator, while causing great distress and discomfort to others. In the age of the internet, we have seen a rise of indecent exposure happening and often being filmed and posted online for the further sexual gratification of the perpetrator. Indecent exposure can occur in various settings, parks, crowded streets, or even driving on public roads. Examples include someone flashing a passerby from a secluded spot or a person deliberately disrobing in a public area. The impacts of witnessing such acts can be deeply unsettling. If you find yourself in this situation, it’s important to first focus on your safety rather than stopping or apprehending the individual. After you are physically safe, if the incident occurred in a private setting such as a gym, a pool, or another area where the business may have information about the perpetrator, you should report as soon as possible.

They may have video evidence of the incidents which can be used in an investigation. Business has a responsibility to stop the harm from happening again if they are made aware. The business may want to file a police report or you may want to do so yourself. Contacting local law enforcement and providing them with all the details you’ve gathered as soon as possible increases the likelihood of the offender being apprehended and stopped. However, if the incident occurred in a public park or other area where video footage or information about the perpetrator’s identity is harder to gather, there is less of a chance of law enforcement being able to act given this lack of evidence. We recommend still filing a report with law enforcement regardless of the circumstances, given that if this is a recurring issue and more people report, they may be able to identify and locate the perpetrator.

You may also want to seek out support after witnessing an incident of indecent exposure. If a child was exposed to this, you may want to have them speak to a professional like their doctor or a mental health professional. Young children often do not understand these incidents and the malice behind them, which is why having age appropriate conversations about sexual health is critical. This can also help ensure that if this happens to a child when adult is not present, they can recognize this is not appropriate behavior and tell a trusted adult. If you have questions or need of assistance, you can reach out to us anytime at Helping Survivors.

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Kathryn Kosmides

Survivor Advocate of Helping Survivors