More than 1,200 sexual assault survivors helped since 2023.
More than 1,200 sexual assault survivors helped since 2023.

Boys & Girls Club Sexual Abuse Allegations & How to Seek Help

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Video Transcript

In this video, we are discussing sexual abuse at Boys & Girls Clubs of America – including cases that have made the news, legal rights and options for those impacted, and how you can get help if you experienced sexual abuse while at a Boys & Girls Club.

Serving over 4 million children annually, the organization is one of the largest youth care organizations in the country. While the organization has helped countless young people develop skills and confidence, many children have been subjected to sexual harassment and abuse perpetrated by staff members and volunteers. These children are often harmed by coaches, youth counselors, teen directors, and other staff members within the programs.

While the organization has several policies regarding preventing and responding to sexual abuse, cases of sexual abuse continue to happen.

In 2019, a major investigation unearthed over 250 individuals across 30 states who allege they were sexually abused as children at Boys & Girls Clubs around the US.

The 2020 follow-up report identified 100 more survivors of child sexual abuse perpetrated by staff and volunteers of Boys & Girls Clubs around the country. Their investigation also uncovered 95 criminal convictions and sexual abuse lawsuits against the organization spanning decades – with children as young as 6 years old being harmed.

If you or someone you know has experienced sexual abuse by a staff member or volunteer at a Boys & Girls Club – you have legal rights and options. You can report the abuse to the local chapter – and they are required to share this information with the national organization. Each chapter of Boys & Girls Club may have different procedures for filing an internal report – some offer online forms while others may require going in-person. If you report to the club, we recommend recording or documenting all interactions with the organization.

We also recommend speaking to an experienced attorney before filing an internal report. If you’ve already filed, you should still speak with an attorney as soon as possible – as they can help ensure your rights are protected and they uphold their legal requirements.

You can also file a report with law enforcement against the individual perpetrators, which can trigger a criminal investigation into the abuse allegations and result in criminal charges. Several Boys & Girls Club staff have already faced criminal convictions for the harm they perpetrated.

Finally, you may be able to file a civil lawsuit to seek monetary damages for the harm you experienced. Your ability to file a civil lawsuit depends on a variety of factors including the civil statute of limitations – which is the amount of time after an incident occurs where a claim can be filed.

Every jurisdiction has unique statute of limitations – with some as little as two years after the date of the incident or turning 18. This is why we recommend speaking to an experienced attorney as soon as possible who can evaluate your case and help you understand your options.

Helping Survivors works with a variety of law firms around the country that help those impacted by sexual abuse. We can connect you with an experienced lawyer who can provide a free consultation so you can be empowered and informed.

If you have questions or want to speak to an attorney today, please get in touch.

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Kathryn Kosmides

Survivor Advocate of Helping Survivors